Lab Facilities
List of Equipments available in Electrical Laboratories:
Name of The Lab |
Major Equipment Available |
Total Cost in Rs/- |
Electrical CircuitsLab | Verification of Kirchoffs law kit(4), Verification of thevinen’s theorem kit(4), Verification of super position theorem kit(4),Verification of maximum power transfer theorem kit(4),DC shunt motorgenerator set, Brake test on DC Shunt motor, Swinburnes test on DC shuntmotor, Resistive load(2), DC ammeters-20A(5), DC ammeters-2A(5), Dc voltmeter-300V(5), Rheostats-200Ω/2A(5),Rheostats-350Ω/2A(5), Rheostats-750Ω/2A(5), DPST switches(4),Rectifier(100A,220V), Control panel, Tachometers(5), Terminals(100), Three point starters(3) | 5,65,486/- |
Networks Lab | Norton’s Theorem kit ,Compensation Theorem & Millimens Theorem kit,Locus diagram of RL and RC Series circuit kit, Series and parallel resonancekit, Determination of self and mutual inductances and Coefficient of couplingkit, Transmission(ABCD) & Hybrid(h) parameters kit, Multy meters(4) | 58,300/- |
Electro mechanics Lab-I | DC shunt motor generator set(2), DC compound motor generator set, DC series motor generator set(2), DCshunt motor (2), DC compound motor ,3 point staters (6), 4 Point stater, 2point starter, rheostats -300V/1.4 A ( 11),Field diverters (2),single phaseresistive load(2),SPST Switch, DPDT Switch,Volt meters- 0-300V (8),Ammeters 0-10/20A (5),tacho meters (2) | 6,35,879/- |
Electromechanics Lab-II | LPF wattmeter’s-600V/5A (4), LPF wattmeter’s-300V/5A(8), UPF wattmeter’s-300V/5A (21), Multi meters (5), Three phase Inductionmotors, Single phase induction motor, Inductive load, TPST switches (5), Voltmeters-MItype (46),Three phase isolation transformer(2KVA),Three phase isolationtransformer(3KVA),Three phase capacitive load, Three phase autotransformer(5KVA),Single phase isolation transformer-2KVA,230/230 (3),Singlephase isolation transformer-2KVA,230/440 (2),Single phase isolationtransformer(3KVA,230/230),Single phase auto transformer -15A,230/270 (5),Single phase auto transformer(20A,230/230) | 5,56,800/- |
Electro Mechanics Lab-III | Alternator coupled to DC motor (2), Synchronous motor with break drum, Three phase resistive load, Threephase variac, Tachometers (2), Rheostats-200/2A (2), Wattmeters-LPF(6),Wattmeters-UPF (4), Digital tachometers (2) | 3,37,794/- |
Electrical Measurements Lab | Calibration of single phase energy meter kit, Kelvins double bridge kit, Shering bridge kit, Andersons bridge kit, Weinsbridge kit, Wheatstone bridge kit, Measurement of three phase power withthree voltmeter and three ammeter kit, LVDT characteristics trainer kit, 30Mhz CRO | 2,77,158/- |
Control Systems Lab | Synchro transmitter receiver trainer kit, DC servomotor characteristics study unit, DC motor study unit, PID controllersystem trainer kit(2),Lead-lag compensator kit(2),PID controller trainer kitwith temperature load, Magnetic amplifier trainer kit, AC servomotor characteristictrainer kit,20Mhz CRO(8), 1Mhz function generator(5) | 3,00,000/- |
Power electronics Lab | Study of characteristics of SCR,Mosfet,IGBT Kit(2),Study of SCR firing circuits trainer with built in Power supply kit, Singlephase fully control bridge converter power circuit trainer kit ,DC Jone’schopper power circuit kit,Single phase series inverter power circuit trainerkit,Single phase parallel inverter power circuit trainer kit,Single phasecyclo converter power circuit trainer kit,Single phase dual converter powercircuit with firing circuit module,Three phase half controlled bridgeconverter power circuit trainer kit,R load,360Ω,1.2 A(3),L Load with centertapping(2), L Load(6),Center tapped single phase isolation transformer,30 V/2A regulated DC power supply(3) | 1,97,550/- |
Simulation Lab | L –Spice software | 1,80,000/- |
Grand total | 31,08,967/- |